The Balancing Act

The wire is taut

But gives slightly under my weight

I have taken a few steps

Gingerly touching a foot to the rope

Sliding it forward inch by inch

Staring straight ahead across the divide to the far side

I force myself not to glance away or look down

For surly I'll lose my balance and fall

Into the abyss 

I am at the mid-way point across the canyon

My legs are paralyzed

My body is trembling

I am frozen with fear

Teetering on the brink of disaster

That would come with one imprecise movement

Stuck in that critical spot 

I can't take another step to move forward

There is no net below

Only certain death

Is it artistry that keeps me from falling off

Or are there invisible strings holding me upright 

Like a daredevil Wallenda

I'm a high wire artist

Performing a death defying feat at dizzying heights

Do you watch

Marvel at the balancing act high above 

Or stop and stare

At a fellow creature in deadly peril  


The Wordsmith


Fixed Costs